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Photo Assignment 5

Photo Assignment 5

For photo assignment 5, we were told to write a biography of a fictional photographer (the weirder the better) and then trade with someone else in our group, who would then take the biography and create a series of 3 photos based on the work that photographer would have done, but of course, putting their own creative spin on it, and making unrealistic things work. The photographer bio I ended up with was written by Sydney Wiswell:

"Butch van Huestan was born in Canada on June 17th, 1981. When he was two years old, a traveling circus smuggled him away from his family to claim his incredible talent on the flying trapeze in their act. Van Huestan soon became the headlining act, and the circus traveled all around the world to show off his unusual skill. By the age of seven, van Huestan escaped the spotlight and the abuse of the circus, only to find himself in the unfamiliar french countryside. He traveled for weeks, sleeping in fields and anyones home who would let him in, After many a nights without food and without bed, van Huestan made it to Paris where he got a job as a bread boy at a bakery under the name of George Washington. Van Huestan worked there until he was seventeen. During this time he began to experiment with technology. He could be found building strange contraptions in the attic  where he slept both day and night. One late night when he finished one of his inventions, his life changed forever. He excitedly grabbed the old film camera he had fixed long ago, flipped three switched up, and two down, then pushed the start button. There was precisely thirteen seconds of anticipation before van Huestan found himself in a completely different place all together. Van Huestan was so ecstatic that he began to jump around and dance. It was only when he saw strange creatures starring at him a few feet away that he stopped abruptly. The creatures resembled humans very much, but they had bird like beaks, feathers for hair, wore very little clothing, and some seemed to be bound together in various ways. As van Huestan later discovered, it was traditional for Voulganir, the creatures, to be sewn to their partner at marriage. Some were sewn at the torso, others the wrists, some the shoulders, and others the feet. Van Huestan began snapping photos of the strange little world. Little did he know that at home, three years had already passed, and that George Washington had already been presumed dead. Van Huestan continued to document his findings as he helped revolutionize the world. Once he showed them technology and how to build a few simple things, van Huestan began to make another version of his dimension device from back home. When it was done, he said goodbye to his newly found family, and promised he would return. When van Huestan, found himself back on earth he was astounded to find that he now existed 1,500,630,297 years into the future, He tried to get his film developed, but no one knew what it was. Van Huestan set up his own darkroom to develop the photos and then managed to have a small exhibit on his photo at his local art museum. Soon, word got out about his strange photos. People became increasingly interested in the subjects of his photos. The popular belief was that he created them either with elaborate makeup or small detailed clay figurines and landscapes. Van Huestan knew no one would believe the truth. He soon disappeared, and has not been seen since." 

I wanted to put my own spin on it, and due to my lack of resources, used items like grass for feathers, and made beaks out of paper. 

Elves, gay photoshoots, freezing weather, yoga, and swimming.

Elves, gay photoshoots, freezing weather, yoga, and swimming.

Photo Assignment 4

Photo Assignment 4